Spiritual Advisory: Finding Guidance on Your Journey

By Ernest / Jul 27th, 2024

Looking for guidance on your spiritual journey? A spiritual advisor can help. This article explains what spiritual advisory is, the benefits and how to find the right one.

Quick Facts

  • Spiritual advisory is a supportive relationship that helps you grow spiritually and connect with a higher power through guidance and companionship.
  • A spiritual advisor provides guidance, encourages self reflection and supports you in discerning God’s guidance without making decisions for you.
  • Finding the right spiritual advisor means finding someone with personal spiritual experience, endorsements from credible sources and an approach that confronts your inner discomforts while respecting your spiritual journey.

What is Spiritual Advisory?

Illustration of a person walking on a spiritual path

Spiritual advisory is a supportive relationship that helps you navigate your spiritual journey, grow and connect with a higher power. At its heart it’s guidance and companionship from someone further along the journey. This relationship is designed to help you attend to the presence and call of God in all of life.

The roots of spiritual advisory go back to the early Christian hermits, a rich historical tradition. Many spiritual directors (also known as spiritual advisors or spiritual counselors) help their clients listen to God’s voice in their daily lives through confidential meetings and a holistic approach that addresses the mind, body and spirit. Rather than giving direct answers, spiritual advisors facilitate a process where you can discern the truth of your life and the Spirit’s movement within you.

Talking about areas of struggle and offering wisdom, discernment and guidance is the main purpose of a spiritual advisor. A spiritual director supports but doesn’t dictate your path, encourages personal growth and deeper connection with God. This kind of spiritual direction is open to anyone who longs for God, so it’s an inclusive and life changing practice.

Spiritual Advisor Role

A spiritual advisor plays many roles in an individual’s spiritual life. Their main responsibility is:

  • Guide and illuminate
  • Help you navigate your spiritual journey
  • Help you achieve your spiritual goals
  • Offer suggestions and be a mirror for self reflection
  • Help you discern God’s guidance without making decisions for you.

The characteristics of a spiritual advisor (also known as a spiritual counselor) are:

  • Convey confidence, trust and hope
  • Support and encourage you to recommit to your values and find inner peace
  • Surrender to a higher being
  • Have personal experience of suffering
  • Offer real support
  • Use prayer, scriptural references and ask for God’s help in their sessions

And spiritual advisors help you get clearer and grow by removing blocks and seeing life more vividly. They are a friend and guide and direct you to seek divine wisdom and navigate your spiritual direction with confidence and trust. In this journey spiritual directors play a key role in guiding and supporting you.

Benefits of Spiritual Advisory from a Christian Perspective

The benefits of spiritual advisory are many especially from a Christian perspective. Spiritual direction can help you grow and achieve more by deepening your connection to a higher power. That connection makes you more mindful and present and banishes negative thoughts and brings inner peace.

Spiritual advisors encourage you to do the inner work that’s uncomfortable and that leads to deep personal and professional growth. Many clients call their experience with spiritual advisors life changing with benefits such as:

  • Less anxiety
  • Clearer direction in life
  • More trust in others
  • Deeper connection to their faith

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And spiritual advisors often combine their practice with:

  • meditation
  • Christian counseling
  • stress management
  • hypnotherapy
  • anger management

This holistic approach will enrich your spiritual life and overall well being, personal growth and spirituality.

How to Choose a Spiritual Advisor

Choosing a step in your spiritual journey is choosing the right spiritual advisor. It’s important to choose an advisor who has personal experience in spiritual matters not just academic credentials. A spiritual advisor who has walked the path themselves can give you authentic and practical guidance.

When choosing a spiritual advisor look for someone who has been approved or endorsed by their pastor which is a testimony to their credibility and spiritual maturity. And a good spiritual advisor should have their own spiritual director to give them an objective view and make sure they are always growing and learning.

Also look for an advisor who:

  • Encourages you to face your inner discomforts not avoid them
  • Doesn’t promote their own religious teachings instead of listening to you
  • Trusts your intuition
  • Has good client testimonials

Check these out and ask questions and you’ll be able to assess a potential spiritual advisor.

The Process of Spiritual Direction

Illustration of a person engaged in active listening and reflection

Active listening, reflection and prayer is the journey of spiritual direction. Initial sessions are active listening and compassion with the counselor listening more than they speak to fully understand the client’s issues. Clients initially describe symptoms not root problems so the counselor can ask more detailed questions to get into the client’s spiritual life.

As the sessions go on the focus shifts to reflecting on life direction and recognizing God in daily life. This reflection helps the client get clarity and insight into their spiritual journey. Counselors often give homework to help the client grow and to make sure the principles discussed are applied in their life.

Follow up sessions will include:

  • Praying for guidance on applying what was learned
  • Ongoing spiritual direction
  • Personal growth
  • Deepening into the divine.

Myths About Spiritual Advisors

It’s important to address some common myths about spiritual advisors. One myth is that spiritual advisors are like psychics, predicting the future and having psychic abilities. But spiritual advisors are focused on giving spiritual guidance not predicting the future.

Another myth is that spiritual advisors are very judgmental and will impose their beliefs on you. But in reality they want to provide a safe non-judgmental space for you to explore your spiritual journey. They will support your personal spiritual path not impose their own.

It’s also assumed that spiritual advisors only work within religious contexts and recite Bible verses. Many spiritual advisors work with people of no religious background or of various religions, they tailor their approach to the client’s comfort with religious content. Knowing these myths will help you approach spiritual direction with an open mind and realistic expectations.

Testimonials: Real Life Stories of Transformation

Illustration of a person sharing their testimonial with a spiritual advisor

Real life stories of transformation and growth are told through testimonials. One person who was stuck for years gained the courage to apply for a degree in psychology and counseling after sessions with a spiritual advisor. This new direction and purpose is the power of spiritual direction.

Another client implemented new business strategies and got clients quickly after getting channeled guidance from a spiritual advisor. This is how spiritual direction can impact professional life and business success.

Many have also found their life’s calling and purpose through the insights from spiritual advisors. These testimonials are a proof of the power of spiritual direction and a hope and inspiration for those who are considering this path.

How to Get Started with Spiritual Direction

Getting started with spiritual direction is a few practical steps. Start by asking friends and colleagues for recommendations, personal referrals can lead to trusted advisors. Starting local is also good, so you can get deeper connection and support in your community.

When looking for potential spiritual advisors ask about their goals, daily spiritual practices and if they have an advisor themselves. This will give you an idea of their commitment to their own spiritual growth and ability to guide others.

For extra support contact Hart to Heart Consulting. They offer centered and grounded spiritual insight to help you navigate your entrepreneurial spiritual journey from a faith based perspective with confidence and clarity.


In summary spiritual direction is a powerful and transformative practice that gives you guidance, insight and support on your spiritual journey. From understanding the role and benefits of spiritual advisors to choosing the right guide and navigating the direction process this journey can lead to big personal and professional growth.

By debunking myths and sharing real life testimonials we hope to encourage you to get spiritual direction and start your spiritual journey with confidence. Remember you don’t have to walk this path alone—there’s a world of wisdom and guidance waiting for you.


What is the job of a spiritual advisor?

The job of a spiritual advisor is to give guidance and insight to help you navigate your spiritual journey and achieve your goals and support and encourage you. They help you reflect and discern without making decisions for you.

How do I choose the right spiritual advisor?

Choose a spiritual advisor with personal experience, endorsed by a pastor and focused on helping you address inner discomforts. Trust your gut and check client testimonials to see if they are a good fit.

Are spiritual advisors judgmental?

No, spiritual advisors want to create a safe non-judgmental space for clients to explore their spiritual journey, support their personal path without imposing their own beliefs.

Can spiritual advisors help with professional growth?

Working with spiritual advisors has helped many people experience personal and professional growth, they provide valuable insights and strategies for success in different areas of life.

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