Our Mission
To revive human systems from a state of crisis to a state of strength and resilience by confronting uncomfortable truths, turning over secrets, challenging previously held dynamics, teaching detachment and delegation, and then promoting boundaries and self-care/scalability.
Our Vision
To see human systems flourishing, functioning at a high level of resilience, with a self sustaining growth culture that has the ability to cope with challenges and crisis/rapid business growth.

Based locally in Western Washington, Ernest Hart has worked directly with those suffering from substance abuse disorder, mental health disorders, and criminal behavior therapeutically for 12 years. He has specific education in co-occurring disorders and treatment modalities along with criminogenic factors that are areas of risk. Ernest has been privy to numerous trainings in Motivational Interviewing, which is a tool to help families overcome ambivalence to change.
Ernest understands the pressure of confrontation with loved ones/employees that have lost their way, parents/owners that have lost their way, and family/business history that has been a challenge to overcome. He also deeply and personally understands the value of what can come out of such a courageous act to change human systems. He has lived experience in both being the adult child that has lost their way and the spouse that suffered from the response he had to his spouse being in active addiction. Ernest also sees how strengthening the family/business unit has exponential results for wellness to all involved. He is also a business owner who has been through the challenges of staff retention, training, culture creating, and scaling. He is trained in de-escalation techniques and works well in emotionally charged situations. He has a special intuitive skillset to work with those gravely challenged by untreated mental health and entrepreneurs who feel there is more needed. Ernest wants to aid in rediscovering the strength of all human systems.
IRI Recovery Specialist | Certified ARISE® Interventionist | Level of Service/Case Management Inventory Trainer (LS/CMI) | Psychology Degree- Addiction and Treatment Models, Graduate of Theology: Biblical Studies