Faith Based Business Consulting for Entrepreneurs

By Ernest / Jun 14th, 2024

Faith based business consulting combines faith with business practices to make ethical and value driven decisions. This article will cover the benefits of faith based consulting, the services offered and how to choose the right consultant for your business.

Quick Facts

  • Faith based business consulting incorporates Christian values such as integrity, honesty and compassion into business practices to improve decision making and work environment.
  • Key areas of focus in faith based business consulting are strategic planning, crisis management and leadership development all to align business operations with Christian principles.
  • Choosing the right faith based business consultant is to assess their theology, experience and consulting process to make sure they line up with the specific needs and values of your business.

Why Faith Based Business Consulting Services are Valuable

Illustration of a group of diverse business people in a meeting

Faith based business consulting services are valuable for faith based organizations and Christian business owners. By using principles from religious texts like the Hebrew Scripture and the New Testament consultants help organizations define their mission and vision in line with their faith. This alignment ensures all business strategies line up with core Christian values so decisions are more ethical and work ethic stronger.

Plus faith based consulting incorporates Christian values into business practices, integrity, honesty and compassion. These values not only enhance the company’s reputation but also create a positive work environment where employees feel valued and respected.

By working with God Christian business owners can experience the Kingdom in their workplace and have a more fulfilling and successful business journey with kingdom impact.


Faith based business consulting is a tool for businesses that want to incorporate their faith into their business. By lining up business strategies with biblical principles businesses can make sure their practices are not only effective but morally and ethically sound. This will create a positive impact in their community and world.

Hart to Heart Consulting, founded by Ernest Hart, shows what spiritual health looks like in business. Ernest has worked with individuals struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues for years and has the tools to help businesses overcome and thrive. Leading by example and faith Hart to Heart Consulting aims to inspire and guide business leaders to success.

What is Faith Based Business Consulting

Faith based business consulting is not just for faith based organizations. Even businesses that are not strictly faith based can benefit from incorporating faith values into their business. This will ensure business strategies are built on ethical and moral principles for more long term and meaningful growth.

Christian business owners especially small business owners can benefit greatly from faith based consulting. By incorporating Christian faith into their business practices they can create a work environment where integrity, honesty and compassion are promoted. This will enhance the company’s reputation and create a positive and productive work culture.

Benefits of Faith Based Business Consulting

Faith based business consulting has many benefits for businesses that want to line up their operations with biblical principles. One of the main benefits is ethical decision making. By relying on God’s provision and biblical principles businesses can make sure their decisions are morally and ethically sound. This will promote integrity and honesty and make businesses more transparent and trustworthy.

Another benefit is the strong work ethic faith based consulting brings to businesses. By emphasizing the importance of hard work and diligence faith based consultants help businesses achieve their goals while maintaining high standards. Plus practices like ‘speaking truth to power’ and ‘speaking truth to habits’ promote good management and ethical leadership.

Faith based consulting also influences decision making with values like compassion, forgiveness and charity. These values shape how customers are treated and how disputes are handled resulting in a more compassionate and understanding business. Christian businesses are more patient and compassionate with their employees than traditional businesses creating a supportive and nurturing work environment.

Areas of Focus in Faith Based Business Consulting

Illustration of a compass pointing towards a strategic direction

Faith based business consulting focuses on several key areas including strategic planning, crisis management and leadership development. These areas are critical to making sure business operations line up with Christian values and principles.

Strategic planning is creating business plans that reflect both business goals and faith values. This will ensure the business strategy lines up with the company’s mission and vision and promotes ethical and value driven practices. Crisis management helps businesses through tough times while maintaining their faith values and navigate crises without compromising their principles. Leadership development trains leaders to integrate their faith into their leadership style and promote ethical and compassionate leadership.

Strategic Planning

Illustration of a business strategy planning session

Strategic planning in faith based consulting means:

  • Creating business plans that line up with both business goals and faith values
  • Using biblical principles to develop plans that reflect the company’s mission and vision
  • Ensuring all business strategies are built on Christian values

This will involve community involvement with businesses participating in local events and projects. By lining up business strategies with faith principles businesses can have a positive impact on their community while achieving their business goals.

Crisis Management

Illustration of a team managing a crisis with resilience

Crisis management in faith based consulting helps businesses through tough times while maintaining their faith values and principles. Christian business consultants apply faith based ethical frameworks to help businesses navigate crises without compromising their values.

Consultants emphasize enduring hardship while trusting in God’s plan and encourage leaders to focus on Christ and seek divine wisdom in crises. This calm and composed approach helps businesses overcome obstacles while staying true to their faith.

Leadership Development

Illustration of a leadership training session with a focus on ethical values

Leadership development in faith based consulting means training leaders to integrate their faith into their leadership style. Christian business consultants focus on character development and personal integrity aligned to Christian values so leaders can lead with integrity and compassion.

By developing more leaders within the business faith based consultants ensure the company’s leadership is ethical, value driven and decision making capable.

Hart to Heart Consulting – About Us

Hart to Heart Consulting, led by Ernest Hart, focuses on the spiritual health of businesses from a Christian perspective. With 12 years experience working with individuals with substance abuse disorder, mental health disorders and criminal behavior Ernest has a wealth of experience and expertise to bring to his consulting practice.

Ernest’s education in co-occurring disorders and treatment modalities and his extensive training in Motivational Interviewing gives him the tools to help businesses overcome and thrive. Hart to Heart Consulting helps businesses rediscover the strength of all human systems through a national network.

How to Choose a Faith Based Business Consultant

Choosing a faith based business consultant means assessing their theology, experience and process. Make sure their theology lines up with your faith values and they have experience working with businesses like yours. A balanced approach that looks at high level elements like mission and vision and practical systems and strategies is key.

Look for a clear step by step process that can be applied to your business. The best consultants will take the time to listen and understand your business’s unique challenges and goals and offer ongoing coaching to help implement the strategies.

How to Get Started with Faith Based Business Consulting

Getting started with faith based business consulting involves initial consultations and assessments to understand the unique needs and faith values of your business. During the initial consultation faith based business consultants will discuss the core mission and vision of your business and ensure all strategies line up with biblical principles.

Assessments help identify the business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and line them up with faith principles. A customised plan is then developed which includes strategic planning, leadership development and other key areas to ensure they line up with biblical principles.


Faith based business consulting provides valuable guidance and support for businesses wanting to align their business with Christian values. By integrating faith into business practices businesses can ensure their strategies are not only effective but morally and ethically sound. This means ethical decision making, strong work ethic and compassionate leadership.

Hart to Heart Consulting, led by Ernest Hart is a living example of faith based consulting. Their focus on the spiritual health of businesses and 12 years experience in faith based consulting makes them a great partner for any business wanting to integrate faith into their business. Consider faith based consulting to take your business to the next level and stay true to your values.


What is faith based business consulting?

Faith based business consulting is Christian values and principles into business practices to line up with biblical teaching.

How will faith based consulting benefit my business?

Faith based consulting will benefit your business by ethical decision making, strong work ethic and compassionate leadership which will enhance the company’s reputation and create a positive work environment.

Is faith based consulting only for faith based organizations?

Faith based consulting is not just for faith based organizations; businesses that don’t strictly identify as faith based can also benefit from integrating faith values into their business.

How do I choose a faith based business consultant?

When choosing a faith based business consultant make sure to check their theological views, experience and process to ensure they line up with your faith values and business needs. This will help you find the right consultant for you.

How do I get started with faith based business consulting?

The first step in getting started with faith based business consulting is initial consultations and assessments to understand the unique needs and faith values of your business and then develop a customized plan that lines up with biblical principles.

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